Monday, November 21, 2011

Under a Raincloud- Part 7

When we arrived at La Boheme, I thanked Sunny and carefully made my way up the steps and into the restaurant. It was gorgeous inside. The walls were a deep shade of red and chandeliers hung from the ceiling in groups. Black booths lined the ulterior and the marble stairs that led up the second floor all made me gasp in shock about how beautiful it was.
I treaded to the front and spoke to the waiter at the podium.
“Hello, I have a reservation at five, someone should already be here by now, I think.” I smiled.
“Let me see…Toby Turner and Rainbow Pemeska?”
I cringed at the sound of my full name, “Yes.”
“Right this way.” He took two menus and led me into the dining room. My stomach flipped when I saw Toby sitting at a table in the middle of the room. He stood up as soon as he saw me and straightened his tie. He smiled nervously as he pulled out my chair for me and kissed me on the cheek.
“Here are your menus. Would you like anything to drink?” The waiter asked as soon as we sat down.
“A glass of wine would be great.” I said.
“Ice water for me.” Toby nodded at the waiter as he left.
“Well hello there gorgeous,” he turned my face red, “how are you still alive without seeing me for a day?” he grinned.
“Same way I’ve been alive for 22 years without you.” I joked back, “But it really is nice to see you. You look great yourself.”
I eyed him with lust. He was wearing a forest green button-down shirt with a black tie and a matching black coat. His hair was kind of a mess, but it was cute in a way.
“Kinda crazy we match without even knowing.” I giggled.
“Well would you look at that!” He laughed, looking at his own shirt then back at my dress.
I glanced at the menu and saw my favorite dish: Mushroom Stuffed Ravioli. I set down my menu, already ready with my order. I laid my elbows on the table, crossed my fingers together and set my chin on top, watching Toby study his menu.
“So, how was your day today?” I asked.
“Pretty good. Recorded my videos for today so I didn’t have to interrupt anything tonight. I love my fans, you know that, and I make lazyvlogs every day. So just letting you know, if I ever forget to record one earlier in the day and we’re hangin’ out, I’ll have to record when you’re around. That’s okay right?”
“Of course! I’ve never been on YouTube before.” I said.
He looked up from his menu and straight into my eyes, “Are you serious?”
“Ha ha, yeah I am!”
“That is unacceptable, woman! You must show your pretty face on YouTube!” he thumped his menu onto the table, causing the centerpiece to shake.
“Calm down mister.” I laughed as his serious gaze turned into an adorable smile.
He picked the menu back up and started reading it, “Do you know what you’re getting?” he asked me.
“Yeah, the mushroom ravioli. It’s bomber, I’ve had it before, I hope their version is just as good.” I bit my lip in embarrassment. Bomber? What was I, a 15 year old skater boy?
“Hm, that sounds delicious!” he set his menu back down and looked at me.
He was about to speak again when the waiter came back to our table with our drinks.
“Are you two ready to order yet?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’d both like the Mushroom Stuffed Ravioli please.” Toby looked at me and winked. My stomach flipped twice and made my elbows so weak they flopped onto the table. I quickly propped them back up in embarrassment as the waiter left to process our order.
“So, what do you like to do around here?” I asked him.
“I walk around town with my iPhone and talk to it.” He said with a smirk on his face.
“Oh that sounds like fun.” I flirted back.
“I also play video games and record them for my fans.”
“You really love those guys don’t you?”
“Yeah, I really do.” My heart grew warm to his statement; he was such a sweet guy.
“And you? What do you like to do?” he asked me.
“Well, I don’t have much free time next to work and school. But occasionally at night I go clubbing with my sister and our friends. I’m tryin’ to get out of the habit though. Drinking every other night has gotten…regretful.” I shifted in my seat.
“You’re talking about that morning aren’t you?” he read my mind.
“Um, yeah. I am.”
“Why? Both of us wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for our drunken mistake. Unless…you’re not pregnant are you?” his eyes grew wide.
“Oh holy God, no, no I am not pregnant.” I stifled an awkward laugh.
“Oh thank God.” He let out a breath of relief.
“But, I guess you’re right. I’m thankful to be here.”
He smiled and reached over to take my hand. We both sat staring at each other. The calming classical music slowly faded away the longer I looked into his eyes. His hand was warm, clammy in fact. I could tell he was nervous when he hiccupped a laugh and looked behind me.
The food we had ordered had come, faster than I had expected. We let go of each others hand as the waiter set our plates down in front of us. The smell of the mushrooms engulfed my lungs and I instinctively closed my eyes. This night was exactly how I expected it. He was falling for me, and I was definitely falling for him.

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