Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Under a Raincloud- Part 3

We left about thirty minutes later. The bar wasn’t as much fun as we had anticipated. When we got outside, a group of people stood next to the entrance on the right. I casually glanced at it, not paying much attention as to whom was in it, until I heard an interesting yell.
“WHEEEEEEEEW!” I looked to the left and saw Toby, holding an iPhone pointed at him and somehow gliding across the ground.
I scrunched my eyebrows as he said something about an audience. I looked around and saw nobody was around him. “Oh great,” I thought, “this guy is crazy.” But somehow his enthusiasm, even after I had rejected him, was adorable. My heart warmed up as I heard him laugh. It was a laugh that was unforgettable.
I stood there a while longer, watching him pace back and forth down the block and listening to him ramble until Sunny pulled my arm towards the car. Somehow, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him, but I was forced to go back home.
When my sister and I got dropped off, I headed straight to my bedroom to change. What a pointless night. I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. I swore to myself I would never go to another club again…well…at least not for a long time. I rolled onto my side and sighed. I kinda wanted to talk to that strange boy Toby again.

I woke up with a kink in my back.
“Ugh.” I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over at my phone but saw I had no messages. Without thinking, I reached over, picked it up, and found the number I’d put into my phone but never called two weeks ago.
“Hello?” A sleepy voice answered.
“Hi, is this…uh…Toby?” I said in the same tone.
“Yeah, who’s this?”
“This is that one girl from the bar last night…I kinda rejected you…remember?”
He chuckled, “Oh yeah! Hothothothothot, what’s up?”
I grinned, “I was just wondering if you wanted to go get coffee at Starbucks in about an hour?” I bit my lip.
“Yeah totally!” he exclaimed; I could practically hear his wide smile though the phone.
“Alright…I’ll see you soon.” I smiled.
“Sounds good!”
I hung up and took a deep breath. Meeting him outside the club was going to be interesting. I dressed in a loose sweater and blue jeans since it was sorta chilly in the morning. I put on a hand-knitted hat and scarf before heading out the door.
I was nervous the entire drive there, preparing what I’d say to him and what to say if the subject of that one morning came up. When I got there, I walked into the warm café and took a deep breath in. I treaded further inside and sat down at a table facing the doorway. I checked my phone for the time—8:00 exact. I subconsciously stared at the door, waiting for what seemed like an eternity until I saw him.
He was wearing a black jacket over a purple shirt that said “Tobuscus” on it again. Seriously, what the hell is a Tobuscus? No matter, I’d say he looked pretty hot in that jacket of his. He opened the door and walked in, looking around for me. I stood up and headed towards him. He smiled as I approached him.
“Hi!” he greeted me.
“Did you order yet?”
“Nope—I was waiting for you.”
He grinned and revealed a dimple in his cheek I hadn’t noticed before. Oh dimples…my weakness.

Sorry it's a little short :/

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