Friday, December 2, 2011

Under a Raincloud- Part 10

We’d been together for about a month when he first asked me to be in one of his lazyvlogs.
“Are you serious?” I asked, a grin slowly growing on my face.
“Hell yeah girl.” He said in the voice that made me laugh every time.
We were at my house when he pulled out his iPhone and pointed it at me.
“Now, I’m just gonna introduce you, but I’m not gonna say anything about you being my girlfriend yet. Some of my fans get really jealous and I just wanna ease them into the idea of…well, you.”
I laughed, “You have fangirls?”
“Believe it or not, but I do.” He chuckled, looking around my living room.
“So you mean like teenage girls freak out if you talk to them?”
He nodded, “It’s crazy, I know.”
“Why you?” I teased him, “You’re a dork!”
“Yes I am, maybe that’s why they like me so much.” He found a flower pot with daisies I was growing on my windowsill.
“Well I know that’s why I like you so much. Not to mention you’re super hot.” I walked over to him and twirled one of his curls.
He smiled and leaned in to kiss me.
He turned back to my flowers and pressed the record button.
“Audience? Wha-? What are you doing staring at these flowers?” He started laughing very…feminine-like, “They’re floweth, oh my God flowerth, there tho pretty.” He coughed. “I mean, uhhh…that’s precarious? Intro of darkness, then redness, then whiteness!” I laughed. “And who’s this?” He turned the phone to face me. I smiled and waved.
“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Oh… oh it’s just my friend Rain.” He smiled at me from behind the camera.
“Sup Audience?” I tried to say as casual as possible.
“She’s a pretty awesome girl to say the least.” He walked over to me and stood in the shot.
“Thanks!” I put my hands in my front pockets and shrugged.
I stared at the camera and bit my lip, expecting him to say something else until I noticed that he was still looking at me. I turned to him and smiled, “Toby, is this all you do in your vlogs? Stare at people?” I laughed at the camera, trying to take away any tension that the Audience might have.
“Oh right, sorry!” he laughed and looked back at his phone. He started walking down my hallway.
“Anyway, today I’m just hangin’ out workin’ on some stuff that needs to get done. I’ll post a Cute, Win, Fail tomorrow although I still gotta edit it! Ahhhhh work…I hate work! It’s too hard GAH! I’ll just have Steven do it; STEVEN! DO MY WORK FOR ME!!!!”
I looked around my house, confused. It’d been a while since he’d mentioned Steven but now he was talking to him and he wasn’t even here.
“What’s that Steven? You—you quit? HA HA HA no you don’t. Now go edit my videos!!!” He looked back at his phone and laughed his adorable laugh. “Nah, I’m just kiddin’. Steven is dead—ha ha no he’s not, but seriously it was a sad day. No, I’m just kiddin’. About his death, not that it wasn’t sad!” he laughed again.
“Wow,” I said, “You are crazy.” I giggled as he came back into the room.
He stopped next to me again. “Girrrrl whatchu talkin’ ‘bout girrrrl?” he got up in my face and I smiled.
“Better get that cute face outta my personal bubble before I ki—” my eyes grew wide but I finished the word, “ill…you.”
Toby was quiet. He turned his gaze to his phone without turning his head and gave his “what-the-fuck” face.
“This girl is a psycho.” He whispered and I playfully punched him.
He turned and walked into my kitchen this time, blabbering on about nothing to his fans. I, however, sat on my couch and held back a vicious shout. I punched a pillow that was next to me and violently crossed my arms over my chest. I can’t believe I almost blew our cover; I was such an idiot!
I heard him walking back to the living room so I quickly got up and stood where we were before.
“Well thanks for listening to me talk about nothing like I do every day. You guys are amazing. Bless your face, if you sneezed during this video bless you. Peace off! Ba-do-do-do-do-do-do-do Subscribe.” He treaded towards me, “Hey Rain, care to do the honors?”
I forced a smile and looked at him, “Sure!” I put my first finger on the lens, “Outro of darkness then redness then whiteness, then—”
“B00P!” we both said and Toby turned off the recording.
“I’m so sorry.” I said immediately after he stopped it.
“It’s okay; it was just your habit comin’ out. Nice save though.” We exchanged a quick kiss. What was left of my lip gloss rubbed off onto him.
“Sorry.” I said giggling as I wiped off his lips for him.
“Naw it’s okay, I like the taste of strawberries.” He grinned at me and we kissed again.
“Now it’s time to upload this bad boy.” Toby went to my desktop and started to upload his video from his phone onto the computer.
I snorted at his weird comment, “You go do that and I’ll be over here lighting myself on fire.” I joked.
I was still pissed at what I had said. I hoped no one would suspect anything, but who was I kidding? People on the Internet suspect everything. I was in deep shit.